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Minorities and the criminal justice process


A.    Introduction

A. 导言

7.  The Special Rapporteur is alarmed by the many allegations that she has received of human rights violations committed against minorities in the administration of criminal justice, owing to their minority status. Having reviewed existing United Nations documentation and relevant documents from regional and national institutions, through her consultations with Governments (see annex), various experts and civil society, the Special Rapporteur has identified global patterns of violations of the rights of minorities in the criminal justice process.


7. 特别报告员收到的少数群体因其地位在刑事司法中人权遭到侵犯的许多指控令她感到震惊。特别报告员已经审查了联合国现有文件3以及区域和国家机构提交的相关文件,并通过她与各国政府(见附件)、各类专家和民间社会的磋商,查明了全球范围内刑事司法程序中侵犯少数群体权利的不同类型。


8.  The Special Rapporteur recalls the four pillars of minority rights elaborated in prior reports, which provide an important framework for understanding minority rights within the criminal justice system (see A/HRC/29/24, para. 17). She also recognizes the variety in legal systems around the world. While the modality of violations of rights of minorities may vary among systems, no system is free of such concerns. National specificities in the administration of criminal justice, however, can never justify discrimination in the administration of justice.


8. 特别报告员重申此前多份报告阐明的少数群体权利的四大支柱,它们为了解刑事司法系统中的少数群体权利提供了一个重要框架(见A.HRC/29/24,第17段)。她还承认全世界法律系统丰富多样。尽管侵犯少数群体权利的方式在各系统之间可能有所差异,但没有哪个系统是没有这方面顾虑的。然而,决不能将国家在刑事司法方面的特殊性当作司法行政歧视的正当借口。


9.  This report highlights some examples of good practices. However, too often a lack of data collection precludes Governments from accurately assessing the existence and scale of violations, or designing effective countermeasures. It should be noted, however, that the report is not exhaustive, and does not address violations by law enforcement officials outside of the formal criminal justice process, or violations arising from substantive criminal law, which impact minorities and merit further research.


9. 本报告强调指出了一些良好做法例证。然而,由于缺乏数据收集,各国政府经常无法准确评估违法行为是否存在及范围大小,也无法制定有效的应对措施。还应当指出,本报告并非详尽无遗,既未提及执法人员在正式刑事司法程序之外的违法行为,也没有提及对少数群体造成影响且值得进一步研究的实质性刑法产生的违法行为。

B. Legal framework

B. 法律框架

10. International law protects persons in contact with the criminal justice system who belong to national or ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities. It prohibits discrimination in the administration of justice and creates positive obligations to ensure that justice systems are sensitive to, and facilitate effective participation of, minorities. These overarching principles are developed through treaty law and customary international human rights law and, in situations of armed conflict, international humanitarian law.


10. 国际法保护在民族或族裔、宗教和语言上属于少数群体并且与刑事司法系统接触的人。该法禁止在司法行政中的歧视并规定积极义务,确保司法系统对少数群体有敏感认识,并促进少数群体的有效参与。这些重大原则是通过条约法、国际人权习惯法以及(武装冲突形势下)国际人道主义法制定而成。


11.  The overarching principle of non-discrimination including, specifically, equality before the law and before the courts, is enshrined in, for example, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities (hereinafter referred to as the Minorities Declaration), the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. These are reinforced by regional instruments such as the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (hereinafter referred to as the African Charter) (articles 2 and 3), the Arab Charter on Human Rights (hereinafter referred to as the Arab Charter) (articles 3 and 11), the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (Council of Europe) (article 4)) and the American Convention on Human Rights (hereinafter referred to as the American Convention) (articles 1 and 24), as well as by the Inter-American Convention against All Forms of Discrimination and Intolerance (not yet in force) jurisprudence and international humanitarian law. The concept of effective participation is recognized in the Minorities Declaration (article 2), under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 7 and in regional standards.


11. 非歧视尤其包括法律和法院面前人人平等的重大原则被载入多项文书,例如,《世界人权宣言》、《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》、《在民族或族裔、宗教和语言上属于少数群体的人的权利宣言》(以下称《少数群体宣言》)、《儿童权利公约》和《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》。5这些原则在《非洲人权和人民权利宪章》第二和第三条、《阿拉伯人权宪章》(以下称《阿拉伯宪章》)第三和第十一条、《(欧洲委员会)保护少数民族框架公约》第四条、《美洲人权公约》(以下称《美洲公约》)(第一和第二十四条)以及《美洲国家打击一切形式歧视和不容忍公约》(尚未执行)等区域文书以及判例和国际人道主义法中得到加强。6有效参与的概念在《少数群体宣言》(第二条)、《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》、7和区域标准当中得到承认。


12. Fairness and effective safeguards for rights at all stages of the criminal justice process depend on the ability of suspects, defendants, victims and witnesses to understand what is happening. In this regard, the rights of linguistic minorities provided for by the Minorities Declaration, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (articles 27 and 14), the Universal Declaration of Linguistic Rights (associated with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)), the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (article 10 (3)), the Arab Charter (article 25), and international humanitarian law and other instruments, take on particular importance.


12. 刑事司法程序所有阶段的公平性和权利的有效保障取决于嫌疑人、被告、受害者和证人是否能够理解正在发生的事情。在这方面,《少数群体宣言》、《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》(第二十七和第十四条)、联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)《世界语言权利宣言》、《保护少数民族框架公约》(第十条第(3)款)、《阿拉伯宪章》第二十五条、国际人道主义法及其他文书规定的在语言上属于少数群体的人的权利尤其重要。


13. The right to liberty and security of person, 9 prohibition of torture and other ill treatment, right to a fair trial, right to privacy, and right to life are relevant to surveillance, stop and search, use of force, arrest, questioning, pretrial detention, criminal trial and sentencing. Additional United Nations and regional instruments address these issues in greater detail.


13. 自由和安全权、9禁止酷刑和其他虐待、10公平审判权、11隐私权12和生命权13都与监督、拦截搜查、使用武力、逮捕、审讯、审前拘留、刑事审判和判决有关。其他的联合国和区域文书更加详细地探讨了这些问题。


14. For minority victims of crime, standards on the right to effective remedy and reparation, and to participation and protection in the criminal justice process, are relevant.


14. 对于犯罪的少数群体受害者而言,有效补救和赔偿权以及参与刑事司法程序并受到保护的权利的标准具有现实意义。


15. Human rights standards also affirm that members of minorities must have equal access to training and service as law enforcement officials, including within the police, prosecution, judiciary and legal profession.


15. 人权标准还申明,少数群体成员必须具有接受培训并成为执法人员,包括从事警察、检控、司法和法律等职业的平等机会。


16. The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Recommendations on Policing in Multi-Ethnic Societies (2006) are of cross-cutting importance, providing guidance on representativeness of police and enhancing communication between police and minority communities.


16. 欧洲安全与合作组织(欧安组织)关于多民族社会治安的建议(2006年)具有贯穿各领域的重要性,为警察代表性以及如何加强警察与少数群体社区之间的沟通提供指导。


17. General Recommendation XXXI of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on the prevention of racial discrimination in the administration and functioning of the criminal justice system describes measures for gauging and preventing discrimination at each stage of the criminal justice system. Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination recommendations can and should be extended and adapted to cover discrimination against all national or ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities.


17. 消除种族歧视委员会关于预防刑事司法系统管理和运作中的种族歧视的第三十一号建议描述了评估和预防刑事司法系统各阶段的歧视的措施。可以并且应当扩展和修订消除种族歧视委员会的建议,使其适用于对在民族或族裔、宗教和语言上属于少数群体的人的歧视。


C. Minorities and the exercise of police powers



18. Should a disproportionate number of individuals from a minority group find themselves in contact with the police as a result of discrimination, then even if, formally, every other step of the process functions impartially, minorities will, similarly, be disproportionately represented throughout that process. This underscores the importance of strict non-discrimination at the policing stage. The risk of discrimination further increases when police forces do not reflect the diversity within the population.


18. 如果因受到歧视而与警察接触的少数群体的人数过多,即使程序中其他每个步骤都秉公运作,少数群体在整个程序中的代表性严重不足。这强调了在治安阶段严格执行非歧视的重要性。当警察力量未能反映人口多样性时,歧视的风险会进一步增加。


19. Police often have wide-ranging discretionary powers. Some discretion may be necessary owing to the nature of their work. However, the broader the discretion, the greater the risk of its arbitrary or discriminatory exercise, particularly in the absence of effective independent oversight mechanisms. Indeed, globally, and specifically in such areas as counter-terrorism legislation where police powers continue to expand beyond the reach of effective oversight mechanisms, minorities are increasingly at risk.


19. 警察通常具有广泛的酌处权。因其工作性质,有些酌处权可能是必要的。然而,尤其是在缺乏有效独立的监督机制的情况下,酌处权越广泛,任意或歧视性做法的风险就越大。实际上,在全球范围内,尤其是在反恐立法等警察权力继续扩大以致不受有效监督机制限制的领域,少数群体面临的风险越来越大。


20. Furthermore, police practices that impact a certain minority excessively tend to reinforce the sentiment among the members of the group that they are not an integral part of society. This can ultimately undermine the efforts to protect and promote their identity, as they may seek to hide their status in order to avoid unwarranted attention. Such practices can also contribute to the creation of a vicious circle of tension between the police and minority communities.


20. 此外,对某个少数群体产生过度影响的警察做法往往会加深该群体成员的情绪,即认为自己不是社会当中不可或缺的部分;这最终会破坏保护和促进少数群体身份的努力,因为少数群体成员可能会试图隐藏其身份,以避免不必要的关注。20这类做法还会导致警察与少数群体社区之间的紧张状态形成恶性循环。




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