In less than a year the status of Zika has changed from a mild medical curiosity to a disease with severe public health implications. The knowledge base is building very rapidly and I'd like to recognise all countries and their scientists that have worked so hard under the co-ordination of WHO and the convening of WHO to provide the evidence and science.
Ladies and gentlemen, the more we know the worse things look.
A pattern has emerged in which initial detection of virus circulation is followed within about three weeks by an unusual increase in cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome. Detection of microcephaly and other foetal malformations comes later as pregnancies of infected women come to term. In the current outbreak Brazil and Panama have reported microcephaly. Colombia is investigating several cases of microcephaly for a possible link to Zika. In other countries and territories, the virus has not been circulating long enough for pregnancies to come to term. A WHO team is currently in Cabo Verde to investigate the country's first reported case of microcephaly.
世界卫生组织(World Health Organization, WHO)成立于1948年4月7日,总部位于日内瓦,共有6个区域办事处,150个国家办事处,现有7000多名工作人员。世界卫生大会是世卫组织的最高决策机构。世卫组织组织所有会员国派代表团参加大会,并集中于执行委员会准备的一特定卫生议程。世界卫生大会的主要职能是决定世卫组织的政策,任命总干事,监督财政政策,以及审查和批准规划预算方案。执行委员会由34名在卫生专门技术方面著有资格的委员组成。当选委员任期为3年。执委会主要会议于1月举行,商定即将召开的卫生大会议程和通过呈交卫生大会的决议。